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Writer's pictureAlex Maltese

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Car Accident?

Car accidents can leave victims with physical and emotional scars that aren't easy to recover from. Even if it was a minor accident, it's possible to experience severe injuries that can affect the person's life for a long time. What are the most common injuries in a car accident? Is it possible to get justice after such a traumatic experience?

Being aware of how complex some injuries are can help victims build their legal cases. Not all car crashes are the same, and the severity of the injuries can determine how much the victim can earn in compensation. Whether the person has a traumatic brain injury or a bruise, they deserve to get justice for what happened.

The Law Office of Carl Maltese commits to helping people through each step of their legal journey. As legal professionals, the first step is to educate people on the different injuries someone can get after a car accident. This page will cover the most common ones, as well as how severe they can be for the victim. Law Office of Carl Maltese can also advise on common injuries in a truck accident.

Are There Different Types of Car Accident Injuries?

Are There Different Types of Car Accident Injuries?

Car accidents lead to various injuries compared to other events. In an accident, drivers, passengers, and pedestrians are involved, meaning there's a higher risk for them to get severe injuries.

There are two categories that cover the most common injuries in car accidents:

Impact Injuries

These are the most common injuries a person can get after a collision. They happen when the person strikes any part of the car's interior. A victim may also get an impact injury if they get thrown off the car and strike an object or the ground.

Such cases often lead to head injuries, broken bones, and other similar situations.

Penetrating Injuries

A penetrating injury happens when an object strikes the passenger, causing the injury. An example of this would be when two cars crash, so the windows break and shatter. If a piece of the window cuts one of the drivers, that would be considered a penetrating injury.

Understanding both types of injuries ensures that victims wanting to seek compensation can get a clearer idea of what happened to them. The more information they have when building their case, the better. For more information, the best car accident lawyers in Long Island may be able to help.

Discussing the Most Common Car Crash Injuries

Every car accident is unique, so it's crucial for victims to get a medical diagnosis to assess their injuries before filing their legal claims. Having an idea of what may have happened, however, may give victims the upper hand when building their case.

Here are the most common injuries in a car accident:

Head and Back Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are among the most dangerous ones a person can experience after a car accident. They happen when a person's brain gets damaged because of any type of impact after a collision. Victims could experience a TBI because they hit their steering wheel too hard, for example.

Although a traumatic brain injury is dangerous most of the time, not all cases are fatal. Some people with a TBI can treat their symptoms and achieve a full recovery. Others, however, can experience long-lasting effects.

Regardless of the case, it's important for the person to seek help as soon as possible to prevent the symptoms from getting worse.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries happen when there's severe damage to a person's spine. It can lead to partial or complete paralysis of the body. Depending on the case, the paralysis could manifest immediately or after some time. However, the victim should always go to a hospital immediately to assess their injuries before it's too late.

Proper rehabilitation and surgeries may help the victim regain sensation or function in some parts of their body, although this isn't always the case.

Facial Injuries

The face is one of the most exposed parts of the body during a collision. Most car accidents can lead to some sort of facial injury, which includes:

  • Eye damage

  • Dental damage

  • Bleeding

  • Bruising

  • Scarring

  • Bone fractures

Although most of these issues are noticeable right away, this isn't always the case.


Concussions are considered the mild version of the TBI. It can cause the temporary loss of cognitive functions, but the victim may be able to recover after some time. Some common symptoms include memory loss, headaches, confusion, and nausea.

Soft Tissue Injuries


Bruises are considered the most common injuries in car accidents. They happen when a part of the body gets hit hard because of an impact. Although most bruises will heal on their own after a while, others could cause complications.

Victims with a deep bruise should check with their doctor to verify that they don't have a punctured chest.

Strains and Sprains

They happen when ligaments, muscles, or tendons get damaged. These injuries are also common after car accidents, and they're not as severe as others. However, victims should still get checked after the accident to verify that the sprain or strain will not lead to any complications later.

Neck and Chest Injuries


Whiplash is also the most common car accident injury in several scenarios. Although it may not seem as dangerous as other injuries, it's still important to mention. This injury happens when the person's head jolts backward and forward.

The motion causes a serious strain on the neck muscles. If the whiplash isn't too severe, the person may recover after a few weeks or months. However, those who suspect they may have a more serious injury should consult with a professional.

Rib Injuries

It's possible to break ribs after a car accident, depending on how hard the collision was. In some cases, the damage can heal on its own and with proper treatments. To achieve this, though, the victim must assess their condition right after the accident.

Rib injuries aren't always noticeable immediately. When a person doesn't treat rib injuries right away, they risk puncturing internal organs, leading to many more problems down the road.

Limb Injuries

Broken Bones

Many car accidents lead to broken bones. This can happen in the limbs but also the collarbone or the ribs. It's important to note that not all people will notice that they broke their bones immediately. In some cases, the pain won't set in right away.

The best way to prevent further damage is to seek a medical evaluation from a professional.

Dislocated Joints

Dislocated joints are easier to identify, and they're usually painful for the person. This happens when the two bones that meet at a joint pull apart. Even if it seems like a minor problem during the aftermath of the accident, no one should ignore a dislocated joint.

Loss of Limbs

In severe accidents, people could lose one or several limbs. This can happen immediately during the accident or after it. Losing a limb during an accident, however, can be fatal for a person's health, so they should seek help immediately to avoid further consequences.

Wrongful Death

Some car accidents result in the death of the driver. Depending on the case, the death may be immediate, or it can also happen a while after the accident.

Wrongful death cases are traumatic and painful for the surviving family members. They can, however, seek compensation for what happened. The money can cover many things like funeral and burial costs, medical expenses, loss of companionship, and lost wages.

Usually, those who can sue for wrongful death include surviving spouses, parents, and representatives of the deceased's estate. However, the rules depend on the state. In New York, only the representative of the deceased's estate can file such a claim.

Other Serious Injuries People Should Consider

Internal Injuries

These include organ damage, which may happen because of blunt force trauma or a strong puncture wound. All organs are exposed to damage after a car accident, and even a minor problem could cause severe complications for the victim.

When victims get organ damage, that can lead to internal bleeding. This often can cause pain and other concerns. It's crucial for the victim to seek immediate medical attention even if they don't have any visible damage.

What makes internal injuries dangerous is that they're not always visible. Getting an examination from a professional ensures there aren't any surprises later.

Emotional Suffering

Most people only talk about physical injuries, but it's also crucial to talk about emotional ones. Car accidents can cause trauma that can prevent a person from living a normal life.

PTSD, for example, may cause people to avoid driving for months or even years. This is a heavy concern that can make people suffer for a long time if the condition isn't treated in time. Any car accident victim who believes they may feel emotionally scarred because of what happened should seek professional help.

What Should Car Accident Victims Do After an Accident in New York?

The first thing to do is to find emergency medical treatment for those involved in the crash. Victims who can still move should get everyone else to safety and seek medical attention.

Calling the police is important, as this ensures that everyone involved in the crash gets a report that explains what happened in detail.

Victims should take as much evidence from the scene of the accident as possible. They can start by taking photos and videos of the accident, including their injuries and property damage. This will be crucial when negotiating with insurance companies later.

Another great step to take is to talk to the other parties involved in the accident and get their contact information. If there were any witnesses around, victims should get their information too. Their testimony could make the case easier for them later, as long as the accident wasn't their fault.

Once the victim has gathered everything they can, they should get legal assistance from a car accident lawyer. They will guide the victim on their next steps, ensuring they don't make any mistakes.

Is Getting Help from an Attorney Worth It?

Is Getting Help from an Attorney Worth It?

Yes. Personal injury cases are often long and complicated. It's important to consider that victims will likely be feeling terrible after the crash, depending on how bad the injuries were. In some cases, they may not even be able to move.

The injuries alone will be enough to make the victim feel overwhelmed. Their only worry should be their recovery journey. Adding an entire legal process on top of that will make things worse for the person. This makes them more likely to make mistakes down the road, which minimizes their chance of getting compensated.

Hiring an attorney ensures that they get the necessary help during each step. A professional attorney knows how the law in New York works, so they'll come up with the right strategy to negotiate a proper settlement that benefits their client.

The Law Office of Carl Maltese has experts who can guide victims on even the most difficult stages of their legal journey, including gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies. With their help, the victim has a much higher chance of winning the case and getting enough money to cover their recovery.

Bottom Line

Any car accident injury can be traumatic for a person. Whether it's minor neck injuries or something severe that led to paralysis, it's not fair for the at-fault party to walk free after what happened.

In these situations, it's crucial to act fast to get justice. Contacting a professional attorney will help victims get peace of mind throughout the process, ensuring they can focus on their recovery while the legal experts fight for their rights.

The Law Office of Carl Maltese has a team willing to do everything in their hands to get their clients the compensation they deserve. Car accidents aren't a joke, and they can leave deep wounds that may not go away after a while. While money may not always get rid of the trauma that comes from car accidents, it may help relieve the financial burden.

People interested in evaluating their case can schedule a free consultation with this law firm today. They'll be more than happy to give them a thorough assessment of their situation.


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