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Case Results
$10,000,000 for a woman
$10,000,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a woman that was involved in a motor vehicle accident. The defendant had no license and ran a red light. The client had catastrophic injuries that left her in a vegetative state.
$1,600,000 for a neck injury car accident
$1,600,000 (Suffolk County Case) this car accident victim had a pre-existing neck injury. The client had neck surgery several years before the accident. The accident aggravated her neck injury and caused pain in her hip. She ultimately had neck and hip surgery. The insurance company’s doctors claimed that her problems were pre-existing and the surgeries were unrelated to the accident. As the case was on the trial calendar it settled for $1,600,000.
$1,370,000 for a truck driver that had his hand crushed
$1,370,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a truck driver that had his hand crushed by a beam while being loaded on his truck. The defendant argued that he was primarily responsible for the accident and should have been paying closer attention.
$1,135,000 for a man struck by a drunk driver
The client aggravated pre-existing injuries in his neck and back. Due to the accident he had two surgeries to his neck. The client was in his late fifties and the insurance company argued that his surgeries were not related to the accident. The insurance company’s doctors attributed his problems to his age, pre-existing injuries and degenerative condition. The case settled after the client’s deposition.
$950,000 for a Suffolk County resident
The client was injured in a car accident during the course of his employment. The defendant pulled out of a parking lot and struck the plaintiff’s work truck. The plaintiff injured his neck. The plaintiff did not go to the hospital or seek any medical treatment for over a week after the accident. As a result of the accident, he had to undergo two neck surgeries. The plaintiff had a preexisting injury to his neck and had extensive medical treatment which included cervical epidural injections. The defendants argued that he was partially responsible for the accident and that his neck problems were preexisting. The case settled at mediation for $950,000. Following the settlement the Law Office of Carl Maltese was able to reduce the repayment amount of his workers compensation lien from $454,726. to $150,000.
$875,000 for a woman
$875,000 (Nassau County Case) for a woman that was hit in the rear by a drunk driver.
$800,000 for an electrician that tripped and fell
$800,000 (New York County Case) An electrician from Suffolk County tripped and fell over construction debris. He fractured his non-dominant hand and underwent several surgeries. The defendant argued that the debris was “center piled” easily seen and that the plaintiff was not looking where he was walking. The case settled prior to trial.
​$785,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a volunteer firefighter that tripped on a broken curb that was covered with leaves
As a result of the fall he had two surgeries to his leg. The defendant took the position that the plaintiff was not paying attention to where he was walking. On the eve of trial a settlement was reached.
$700,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a woman involved in a motor vehicle accident
The client did not have any broken bones or any surgeries but was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS. The defendant argued that her injuries were minor and her pain was a result of psychological issues.
$2,350,000 for herniated disk injury in car accident
A Suffolk County resident was injured while driving in Manhattan. The client aggravated a prior disc herniation in his neck. As a result of the car accident, he underwent surgery on his neck. The defendants made a motion to dismiss the case arguing he had a soft tissue injury and it was not “serious”. Our office was able to obtain reports from his doctors in which they stated the accident made his prior disc herniation worse. After the case was on the trial calendar it was settled at mediation.
$2,000,000 for a Suffolk County resident
Injured while driving for work in New York City, the client aggravated a pre-existing knee injury and hurt his lower back. Due to the accident, he had surgery on both his knee and back. The defendant argued that the surgeries were not related to the accident. After the case was placed on the trial calendar, it was settled at mediation.
$1,450,000 for an electrical apprentice work injury
$1,450,000 (Suffolk County Case) for an electrical apprentice injured while working. The client stepped into an opening that was not properly guarded. He sustained injuries to his lower back and hip. Due to the accident he had to have his hip replaced. The defendants argued that his symptoms were age related and degenerative.
$1,258,500 for man struck by a drunk driver
$1,258,500 (Suffolk County Case) for man that was struck by a drunk driver. The other driver admitted to running a red light. The client suffered serious injuries including a broken arm and broken pelvis. In addition, the client had to have a surgery to his urethra. The settlement included funds from the convenience store that sold the other driver alcohol.
$1,100,000 for a metal worker
A sheet metal worker from Suffolk County tripped and fell over construction debris while descending a staircase. He injured his lower back. Due to his injury he underwent a surgical procedure. The defendant’s argued that he was not looking where he was walking and choose not to use the handrail. In addition they claimed he fell because he missed a step and did not trip over debris. The case settled at mediation after the client’s deposition.
$950,000 for a woman that fell in a retail store
$950,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a mom that slipped and fell in a big box store. The accident was caused by water on the floor. The client injured her lower back. The store argued that she was at fault for not watching where she was walking. As a result of the fall the client had surgery to her lower back. The store offered $3,000. to settle the case. The case settled prior to trial at a mediation for $950,000.
$900,000 for a man struck in the rear while working
(Suffolk County Case) This client was hit in the rear while working. The accident caused injuries to his neck and hip. The insurance company argued that the surgeries he had were unrelated to the accident. In addition to the settlement, he received workers compensation benefits and Social Security Disability benefits.
$800,000 for a retired woman that fell in a grocery store
$800,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a retired woman that fell in a grocery store. The client stepped on a tile that was ½” higher than the rest of the floor. She had to undergo several surgeries to her leg. The insurance company argued that the difference in height between the tiles was “trivial” and not dangerous. We retained a highly regarded safety expert that was able to show why such a small difference in height was dangerous.
$750,000 (Suffolk County Case) for a woman that fell in a horse barn
As a result of the fall she fractured a bone in her wrist and underwent surgery.